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Online Behaviours

Your Easy Guide to Understanding Terms of Service

Sep 4, 2023

The Digital Maze of Video-Sharing Platforms

In today's digital age, video-sharing platforms have become a staple in our daily lives. From catching up on the latest dance trends to learning new skills, these platforms offer a world of content at our fingertips. But there's a catch. Ever tried reading the terms and conditions before hitting 'accept'? If you have, you're likely among the few. And if you've ever felt overwhelmed by the jargon and legalese, you're certainly not alone.

The truth is, many adults find it challenging to decipher these terms. Now, imagine the younger generation, our kids, trying to make sense of it all. It's like navigating a maze without a map. This raises a crucial question: If adults are struggling, what about the kids? As we delve deeper into this topic, we'll uncover the complexities of these terms and conditions, and why they might just be too intricate for many, including our children.

The Fine Print: Deciphering Terms of Service

Diving into the world of video-sharing platforms, one thing becomes evident: the terms of service are lengthy. And we're not just talking a few pages. OnlyFans, for instance, boasts a whopping 16,000 words in its terms, taking over an hour for the average adult to read. Following closely are platforms like Twitch, Snapchat, TikTok, and others, each with their extensive list of terms.

But it's not just about the length. The 'reading ease' score, a measure of how understandable a piece of text is, paints a concerning picture. Most platforms scored as "difficult to read," with terms best understood by high-school graduates. The exception? TikTok. But even its terms, while more accessible, still pose a challenge for its youngest users.

And then there's the matter of "click wrap" agreements. Ever signed up for a platform and unknowingly agreed to the terms? That's a "click wrap" in action. Platforms like Snapchat, TikTok, and BitChute employ this method, making it all too easy for users to agree without truly understanding what they're signing up for.

The Digital Maze of Video-Sharing Platforms

Community Guidelines: Are They Any Clearer?

While terms of service can be daunting, platforms often provide community guidelines as a more user-friendly alternative. But are they really clearer? In terms of length, yes. These guidelines are typically shorter, taking between four and eleven minutes to read. Snapchat, for instance, has the briefest guidelines, clocking in at just four minutes.

However, brevity doesn't always mean clarity. Despite their shorter length, the language used in these guidelines can still be complex. Snapchat's guidelines, for example, might require a university-level education to fully grasp. It's a stark reminder that even when platforms try to simplify, there's still much room for improvement.

The Grey Areas: Where Platforms Need to Step Up

 Diving deeper, we find areas where video-sharing platforms could do better. For starters, there's often ambiguity about what content is allowed and what isn't. While terms and conditions do outline rules about harmful material, especially concerning children, the exceptions can be murky. Platforms like OnlyFans and Snapchat offer scant details about prohibited content, leaving users in the dark.

Moreover, the consequences of breaking these rules aren't always clear. While TikTok and Twitch provide detailed information on penalties, others leave users guessing. And then there's the guidance for content moderators. These are the individuals responsible for ensuring users adhere to the rules. Yet, they often lack the necessary resources and training to do their job effectively, leading to inconsistencies and potential oversights.

Leading by Example: Good Practices in the Industry

Leading by Example: Good Practices in the Industry

Despite the challenges, there are glimmers of hope. Several platforms are leading by example, showcasing best practices that others can emulate. TikTok, Snapchat, and Twitch, for instance, have terms and conditions that cover a broad range of content that could be harmful to children. They also provide clear consequences for rule violations, ensuring users know where they stand.

Additionally, some platforms are proactive in testing their guidelines. TikTok tests policy changes in simulated environments, while Snapchat evaluates moderator performance to refine their internal policies. These efforts, while commendable, highlight the need for continuous improvement and adaptation in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

Conclusion: The Road Ahead for Online Safety

As we wrap up our exploration, one thing is clear: the digital realm, while filled with opportunities, also presents challenges. The onus is on video-sharing platforms to ensure their terms and conditions are clear, concise, and understandable for all users, regardless of age or education level. With regulators like Ofcom shining a spotlight on these issues and pushing for change, there's hope for a safer, more transparent digital future. As Jessica Zucker, Online Safety Policy Director at Ofcom, aptly puts it, clear and unambiguous rules are fundamental to protecting users. It's a call to action for platforms everywhere to step up and prioritize user safety above all else.

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